There is Still - "NO CURE",... for "JUVENILE AUTO-IMMUNE ARTHRITIS" (Also known under many types such as,... Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, Systemic, Lupus, Psoriatic Arthritis, etc..... ) and with some types/children, the disease not only attacks their Joints, Bones, Muscles, Kidneys, Hearts, Lungs, etc,.... it also attacks their EYES as well,....known as "Uveitis". There are currently, Only Medicines to help "Slow" the joint damage, growth problems, sight problems, including blindness, skin, scalp & nail disorders, fatigue, pain, and emotional problems, including how they can seem-look "normal",... and people not knowing how they are suffering from this horrible disease. We need to find a cure!
Thank you to Everyone who helps raise awareness for Bailey & the 300,000 children,... "living" with any type of this horrible auto immune disease. These children didn't ask for this life that they were given,.... They just have to live it, - the best they can - With our help - And with God's Hand.
We SO MUCH appreciate the Doctors, (Pediatricians, Ped. Rheumatologists, Eye Specialist, etc...) Nurses, Dentists, Theapists, Lakeshore Staff who help keep her moving, and all.. who help with JIA & Uveitis!

Two of the Medicines Bailey has been on for 6 years now is Methotrexate (Chemotherapy drug-used at a smaller dose than cancer patients) We have to give her an injection of this medicine each week at home. Also, her Remicade IV Treatments are a Biologic Medicine made with a mouse protein and are extremely expensive. (The latest insurance EOB is billed at over $15,000.00 Each Treatment!!!) --No wonder Insurance Companies are trying to make these kids people try Cheaper drugs first,... Dangerously letting their disease Progress!!!!) So even WITH Blue Cross, or other expensive health insurance, this leaves a huge burden for families.
AND - of course, the Organiations who work "Daily" to "Raise Awareness, Funds and Research" to help find treatments, better medicines,... and strive for a CURE! Such as "The Arthritis National Research Foundation" in Long Beach CA, "The Arthritis Foundation", The EYE/UVEITIS Research Groups, The Many Many Various groups and people who help ad have helped spread the word & Baileys Video & Message, to raise awareness,.... and Of COURSE - The SPONSORS & SUPPORTERS of Juv Arth Research!!!! You may think your voice is small,.... but it is HUGE to families like us! Thank you for Speaking Out & Speaking Up!

NOW: The "Must See Video" & Other Videos & Links are below to the right, under "VIDEOS & Links"!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tornado damage, Tuscaloosa Treatment & Donation Spls for Storm Victims

So,.... after seeing the destruction in Tuscaloosa today, I was driving in traffic & saying, "Lord, what can we do,... what do You want us to do?" And I came upon a Nat Guard station handing out Tarps,... I pulled in to see if they were giving them to diferent city's, or just there,... I told them where we were from & how the church is helping others,... They said, "Pull up, we'll get you 5!" So great,,.... then they asked what else we needed for Victims..... I mentioned Flashlights, underwear, etc,... They gave me a paper & address & said go there. I found it & as they guided us through, it seemed like more of a "Each person just gets 1 of what THEY need type thing,... I told them nevermind, we didnt want to take from the victims there,.... They said NO. We see you're trying to help other victims & - Just park over there!,... SO, Bailey was kinda droggy still from treatment, but we did & lady met us, told her where we were from & what our community needed to help others,... She loaded us up with Underwear, Flashlights, batteries, gloves, Bug Sprays, Shampoos, Soaps, toothbrushes, toothpastes,,...... We made several trips to the van & didnt think she was ever gonna stop! LOL! What a blessing!!!! She said, "Well, we havent had many people here & the ones who dont have cars to come cant get it either & thats why she was happy to hear how Christway Church has been going OUT to the Victims to help! Otherwise, they can't get what they need & all these supplies stay in a warehouse! Which they don't want! SO,.... Big delivery to Christway coming! LOL! OH,.... the sweetest thing is, the lady gave Bailey a New Barbie doll also while we were there! I had been explaining to Bailey lately of how God has Blessed us with so much & our home wasnt destroyed like many others, so we needed to give back & help however we could so we could be a blessing to others...... Well, just a minute ago she was going to bed (yea 2:25 AM!) and she got her doll & said "I'm so glad I got a Blessing today too". LOL! After her day - She deserved it! What a trooper!

1 comment:

Kristy said...

How beautiful that God gave you a task that you could complete with the tools you needed!